
Single copies
The price of single copies in 2016 amounts to:
PLN 48.00 – printed version,
PLN 35.00 – electronic version (PDF).
PLN 48.00 – archive copies from previous years.

Our account number:
Orders may also be placed via the telephone: +48 (22) 836-96-69 and via e-mail.

Subscription of   P o s t ę p y   N a u k   M e d y c z n y c h   magazine includes 12 subsequent issues of the magazine.

The price of the subscription in 2016 is:

PLN 500.00 – printed version,

PLN 350.00 – electronic version (PDF).

Our account number:

BORGIS® Sp. z o .o. Bank Pekao SA 19 1240 6175 1111 0000 4567 1522

Orders may also be placed via the telephone: +48 (22) 836-96-69 and via the form.